Making It Easier for Businesses of All Sizes to Get Started on WhatsApp Bot
2 min readJun 20, 2023
WhatsApp bot is automated software that makes use of pre-programmed rules or Artificial Intelligence to engage with your customers on WhatsApp. Businesses of all types and sizes can use the WhatsApp chatbot to answer customer questions about your services and products, drive sales, share content, as well as send notifications in regard to shipping, payments and orders.
Here are a few of the simple steps to build and leverage a WhatsApp chatbot for your business with ease:
- Step 1: Pick the right platform: You have two choices available to you when it comes to creating a chatbot. You can either code it or make use of a powerful, no-code chatbot platform offered by a good WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP). BSPs are basically a global community of third-party solution providers who have expertise in the WhatsApp Business Platform. Availing the assistance of a BSP is always a smarter choice for businesses, as it allows them to do away with the effort to painstakingly code a chatbot. Top BSPs have ready-to-implement WhatsApp chatbots available for all industries and use cases, thereby reducing the go-to-market time.
- Step 2: Pre-requisites for deploying chatbots on WhatsApp: First, your business needs to have access to WhatsApp API. This access is granted by WhatsApp through the BSPs itself. You will also have to register a phone number as your WhatsApp Business phone number. WhatsApp shall call this number up in order to confirm and activate it for Business account WhatsApp.
- Step 3: Create a proper conversation flow: One of the most crucial steps in creating a WhatsApp chatbot is to think orderly and develop an appropriate dialogue flow that the chatbot will have with your customers. It also includes taking into account the type of questions your customers are likely to have and how the bot shall respond to the questions it cannot answer. The WhatsApp BSP shall design a suitable chatbot conversation on the basis of your input.
- Step 4: Final testing of WhatsApp chatbot: The key goal of setting up a WhatsApp business bot is to improve the customer experience. You must properly test the bot to be able to achieve this goal and build a high-quality WhatsApp chatbot. The test would involve asking the bot similar questions as any customer would, identify the problems, and fix them immediately.
Businesses of all sizes just need to follow the steps discussed above to get started with the WhatsApp chatbot.