How fashion brands are using WhatsApp?
Fashion shoppers today are increasingly expecting a greater level of personalization, conversation, and digitization throughout their customer journeys. The use of WhatsApp Business App and API has become widespread among fashion brands across the world to meet these expectations. WhatsApp has more than a billion around the planet, which represents a huge market for fashion brands. Rather than expecting customers to seek out the app of the brand, many fashion labels are meeting their customers where they already are.
Personalized purchasing suggestions
With WhatsApp, purchasing suggestions can be personalized and delivered at the right moments, based on the previous buying preferences and other insights provided by the brand’s CRM and other systems. For example, if a customer purchased a dress from your brand, you can recommend shoes that would perfectly go with the outfit, through WhatsApp Business App.
Swapping out changing room queues for instant rich media
The use of Whatsapp business allows fashion brands to take their online customer communication beyond simple emails. You can deploy a raft of rich media through this platform in order to allow customers to visualize how great they can look in clothes. Images, videos, GIFs, PDFs, and carousels can be used to truly bring the shopping experience to life on the phone screen. This can subsequently assist in reducing the returns rates, which can be pretty high when it comes to fashion ecommerce.
Chatbots for improved customer service
Whatsapp API allows easily development and implementation of chatbots. These bots can be used to promptly answer common customer service queries, without needing any manual intervention. Customers can get questions about clothing size, loyalty point updates, physical store locations, and more, answered within seconds through WhatsApp bots, which would go a long way in ensuring their satisfaction with the brand. Using such bots is way more hassle-free and budget friendly than having a customer service team who can cater to your patrons 24x7. These bots especially come as a huge help for global fashion brands, and allow them to make sure that customers get answers to their concerns, no matter when they try to connect with a brand. It can be quite costly for a global fashion brand to maintain a customer service department that can serve customers belonging to diverse time zones. Such concerns can be eased by leveraging WhatsApp bots.
Fashion brands can encourage their shoppers to connect with them via WhatsApp by incorporating conversation starter buttons on their websites or promoting WhatsApp QR codes in offline ads and stores.